Interesting Facts About Terminator Dark Fate

Image from Paramount Studios

With the upcoming release of Terminator: Dark Fate, TCR would like to give you guys exciting facts about the movie before it hits theaters.

James Cameron's Return: Because of not getting the full rights to the franchise, James Cameron was not involved with the last three Terminators films making Dark Fate his return to the franchise as producer and writer.

Ignoring All Sequels: Just like last year's Halloween (2018), this Terminator film will ignore all sequels that took place after Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Meaning that all of the awfulness that was presented in Rise of the Machine, Salvation and Genisys will be forgotten as the franchise is taking a different direction.

Image From Warner Bros Studio

It Will Be Rated R: Despite Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine is the only sequel to be rated R after Terminator 2: Judgement Day, the last two Terminators (Salvation and Genisys) film were PG-13. The PG-13 rating affected the previous two sequels as those films were tamer than the original three and were ignoring the grittiness and adult themes that made the original two famous. Since James Cameron returned to the franchise, he made sure that Dark Fate will be rated R and that it will have the same atmosphere from the original two films.

Linda Hamilton's Return: Not only is Dark Fate the return of James Cameron, but also Linda Hamilton as she returns to play Sara Connor once again after Emilia Clarke portrayed the role in Genisys. It took 28 years for Hamilton to come back to the franchise that catapulted her career, and it will be interesting to see the direction her character is going through after the events of Judgment Day.

Image from Paramount Studios

Terminator: Dark Fate will be release this Friday in theaters!
